Is It Supposed to Get Cold Again This March in the South?

Meteorological Spring has now begun with March. But the weather patterns over the Northern Hemisphere are not yet prepare for the transition from Winter, with the polar circulation now existence impacted by the breakdown of the Polar Vortex.

There are some very strong weather drivers behind these changes, that typically command the weather patterns each winter season and extending into early Bound.

Nosotros will wait at what is causing these large-calibration changes, and how they will play out this month and into the rest of the Spring season.

Nosotros always tend to explicate the behind-the-scenes processes at work, so yous can much easily sympathize the grand calibration of weather and the bigger pic.


Wintertime Flavour 2021/2022 ENDS

The meteorological winter season covers the December-January-February period, then meteorological winter officially ended with Feb.

At this time, nosotros commonly accept a look at the first (preliminary) temperature anomaly and the pressure level design assay for the unabridged Wintertime flavour.

Below we take the December-Jan-February global pressure pattern. What stands out is the strong semi-permanent high-pressure system in the Northward Pacific. Also, as a response to that, we take a broad low-pressure level area over Canada, covering also the northern U.s.a. and Alaska.


Such a design typically pushes the jet stream down into the northwestern U.s. and onward towards eastern Canada. That helped to bring colder weather condition to the northern parts of the United States, extending also into the eastern parts.

Over Europe, nosotros accept a ridge present over western Europe upwardly into the North Atlantic. That means a low-pressure level surface area is to the east of the ridge, over Scandinavia and as well parts of northeastern Europe.

For the commencement time, nosotros are at present also going to compare this analysis to the winter forecasts from November, which is the last month before meteorological winter begins.

We can meet a very good forecast from ECMWF over North Pacific and North America. There was a stiff loftier-pressure arrangement in the Pacific and the low-pressure zone over Canada.


The forecast was not as good over Europe, with a low-pressure zone over the North Atlantic instead of Scandinavia.

Looking at temperatures, below nosotros accept global temperature bibelot for the same period. We can actually see a lot of warm anomalies in the polar regions, north of the 60N breadth. What stands out is a large and strong cold puddle over Canada.


Almost of Europe and the United States are under warmer than normal conditions. But the 2d half of the winter flavour has featured common cold air outbreaks into the eastern half of the Us. In Europe, there were not enough cold air outbreaks to change the warmer average into negative anomalies.

Now looking at the ECMWF global temperature forecast issued in November, we tin encounter the potent cold pool over Canada, and warm anomalies over much of the United States.


In reality, the warm anomalies over the The states were not as potent, and the central and eastern states accept seen quite a few cold air outbreaks in the 2nd one-half of winter.

Over Europe the forecast was not completely off, just the main majority of warmer anomalies was further over western and key Europe.

Big-Calibration Atmospheric condition DRIVERS

When we look at the seasonal forecasts for winter (or any other flavour) nosotros always look at the big-scale climate drivers kickoff. This flavour, it was the La Nina in the tropical Pacific Ocean.

But once the flavor starts, nosotros tend to look more than closely at the short-term variability. Besides the La Nina which we will comprehend later below, nosotros have one other driver of the conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. The infamous Polar Vortex.


Every year as we head into autumn, the polar regions receive less and less sunlight. This way, cooling begins over the north pole.

Simply as the polar temperatures drop, the atmosphere further due south is still relatively warm as it continues to receive free energy from the Sun.

You can see the winter solstice in the image below. The polar regions receive picayune to zero solar energy, compared to regions farther south, which still continue to receive plenty of sunlight and energy.


But, as the temperature begins to driblet over the polar regions, so does the force per unit area. With colder temperatures over the pole, the temperature difference towards the southward increases.

This also causes a pressure difference as a big low-pressure (cyclonic) circulation starts to develop across the Northern Hemisphere. It extends from the surface layers, far upward into the stratosphere. This is known as the Polar Vortex.

The image below shows a typical instance of the Polar Vortex at around 30km/18.5miles altitude (10mb level) around the heart stratosphere during the wintertime flavor.


Information technology is basically like a very large whirlwind, covering the whole north pole, downward to the mid-latitudes. It has a strong presence at all levels, from the ground upward, merely can take dissimilar shapes at different altitudes.

In the next image below, we have the polar vortex at a much lower altitude, around 5km/3miles. The closer to the ground we go, the more than deformed the polar vortex gets because information technology has to interact with the mountains and overall terrain and also with the strong atmospheric condition systems


Be aware of its "artillery" extending into the lower latitudes, bringing along colder air and snowfall. These artillery likewise pack a lot of energy and can create strong winter storms, either Noreasters in the Usa or powerful current of air storms in the North Atlantic.

We are typically focusing more on the Stratospheric Polar Vortex, as it plays a very of import role in the weather development throughout the season. It is known for its strong influence down from the stratosphere, in either direction, for a cold or warm winter.

A potent Polar Vortex usually means strong polar circulation. This usually locks the colder air into the Polar regions, creating milder weather for most of the The states and Europe.

Equally a contrast, a weak (wavy) Polar Vortex can create very dynamic atmospheric condition. It has a much harder time containing the cold air, which tin can now escape out of the polar regions, into the The states and/or Europe. Image by NOAA.


Typically, a polar vortex circulation is disrupted due to a rise in temperature in pressure level in the stratosphere. That is called a Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) event.

But there can also exist smaller warming waves in the stratosphere, that do not collapse the polar vortex. Instead, they can sometimes readapt or disrupt the polar vortex enough to weaken its influence on the surface levels. That tin can allow other drivers to accept over more strongly, creating a different atmospheric condition design.

To put the Polar Vortex into a perspective, we produced a high-resolution video, which nicely shows the vortex spinning over the Northern Hemisphere in the stratosphere at the 30mb level, around 23km/14miles altitude.

Video shows the NASA GEOS-v analysis for late January 2022. Observe how the stratospheric vortex covers a big function of the Northern Hemisphere. It spins over the Northern Hemisphere, driving also the wintertime atmospheric condition beneath with its apportionment.

The main takeaway from the video should be that the Polar Vortex is not just one unmarried winter tempest or a cold outbreak that moves from the Midwest into the northeastern United States.

It is one large cyclonic expanse that is spinning over the entire Northern Hemisphere, from the ground upwardly to the superlative of the stratosphere and across, reaching over 50km/31miles in altitude.

The Polar Vortex is important to monitor because every disruption as either a warming or a pressure level moving ridge in the stratosphere can mean a modify in weather dynamics below.

The next image below shows pressure anomalies from the surface into the upper stratosphere over the winter season.

Yous tin can observe the strong depression-pressure buildup in the stratosphere in late November. That was a strong polar vortex, connecting down to the surface levels in early on December.


Simply strong high-pressure anomalies accept emerged over the polar circumvolve in December, which pushed back against the stratosphere, "disconnecting" the upper and the lower polar vortex far into Feb.

As far as the stratosphere and weather condition connection goes, there is a special graphic that puts that into a simple perspective. We can await at the force per unit area development from the surface up into the stratosphere over fourth dimension.

The next image shows too shows the forecast, where we tin can meet strong loftier-pressure systems in the lower levels which are pushing upwardly against the polar vortex in March.


There are also high-pressure systems pressing down on the polar vortex from the very tiptop of the stratosphere. All combined, it is slowly breaking down the polar circulation in the stratosphere, also impacting the weather patterns ahead.

Below we accept a 3D structure paradigm of the Polar Vortex. Information technology shows the Polar Vortex existence dissever apart into ii separate cores. This is a major development, that will bear on the polar circulation. Y'all will observe out in the forecast how this happened and what it means for the conditions.


But the large-scale culprit behind the low-level blocking and weather dynamics this season was/is the oceanic La Nina. We mentioned it before, and nosotros will quickly look at its current state and its role in the Bound weather ahead.


ENSO is curt for "El Niño Southern Oscillation". This is a region of the tropical Pacific ocean, changing between warm and cold phases on the ocean surface (and in-depth). Typically in that location is a phase change in around ane-3 years.

ENSO has a major influence on the tropical rainfall patterns (storms) and the circuitous commutation between the ocean and the temper. Large-scale pressure changes can be observed in the torrid zone with each new developing stage. With some delay, these changes affect the apportionment over the rest of the world.

The cold ENSO phase is chosen La Nina and the warm phase is called El Nino. Too the temperatures, one of the main differences between the phases is also in the pressure state.

On the image below you lot can encounter the ocean surface temperature and pressure level pattern departure between the warm and the cold stage.


During an El Nino, the pressure over the tropical Pacific is lower, with more rainfall and storms.

Only during a La Nina, the pressure over the equatorial Pacific is high, creating stable conditions and less atmospheric precipitation. This obviously translates into the global circulation, affecting both the Northern and the Southern hemispheres.

Beneath we take the latest global ocean temperature anomaly assay from NOAA. Nosotros can clearly see the decaying cold anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean. That is the current La Nina phase slowly weakening, merely still maintaining the cold anomalies within the La Nina threshold.


Combining the strongest 13 cold ENSO events gives usa an idea of what their chief weather influence is. The chief feature, equally you can see, is a high-pressure system in the N Pacific and low pressure over Canada.


This is what we have seen in the winter analysis at the outset of the article. It helps united states of america to confirm the strong presence and influence of the oceanic bibelot.

Over Europe, we see lower pressure level over Scandinavia and higher force per unit area over northwestern Europe, but that cannot exist designated as a typical atmospheric condition response from the La Nina, due to low indicate force.

Knowing what will drive our atmospheric condition in the coming weeks, we volition await at the latest forecasts and how the atmospheric condition will evolve this month.


The strength of the polar vortex is well-nigh often measured past the ability of the winds that it produces. This is done by measuring the zonal (west to east) wind speeds around the polar circle (60°N breadth).

On the image beneath nosotros have the seasonal average wind speed for the Polar Vortex at 10mb level. The black line is the long-term average, and the blue line is the polar vortex force in the 2021/22 season.


But the red line is really the forecast, which shows the rapid weakening of the polar vortex is now starting and will continue into the month of March.

Below we take a closer expect at the extended ensemble forecast for the 10mb winds. Information technology shows the polar vortex currently weakening and and so powering back up again briefly.


But afterwards the brief power-up, the polar vortex will exist under too much pressure. It will slowly weaken and break down, heading going into April.

Looking at the electric current polar vortex evolution, nosotros tin see that the vortex is under heavy pressure from the North Pacific and the Atlantic sector. It has been broken/split into two carve up cores, one over e Canada and one over Siberia.


Taking a look at temperatures on the 10mb level (30km/18.5mi), we can see a warming moving ridge engulfing both cores. A weak cold-core remains over Europe. These ii low-pressure level cores are what we have seen earlier above on the 3D construction.


Side by side up, we have the vertical pressure anomaly profile, revealing a connection betwixt the stratosphere and the lower levels.

Nosotros can see the two cores of the separate polar vortex. Both are connected downwardly to the lower levels, straight to the weather systems over Canada and i over Eurasia.


This is a unique pattern setting up, called a negative Arctic Oscillation (AO). This is a weather oscillation that describes the atmospheric pressure and circulation around the Arctic circle. Negative AO equals a weak polar vortex and positive AO responds to a strong polar vortex.


Nosotros tin nicely see that if we look at the latest country of pressure level anomalies beyond the Northern Hemisphere. The Polar regions are dominated and surrounded past loftier-pressure anomalies.


Low-pressure systems and colder air is being displaced out of the polar regions, with 1 lobe over Eurasia and 1 pair over Greenland and the western United states of america. Such a design can be called "March madness".

First looking at Europe, we can see the latest conditions being quite colder than normal over much of the continent. The exception is far northern Europe, currently under the influence of a ridge.


Taking a closer look at Due north America, we run across generally warm anomalies over much of the eastern one-half United states of america and Canada. Colder than normal weather is ongoing over most of the western one-half of the U.s.a..



Going further into the mid-month, the polar vortex will make a cursory recovery, every bit the high-force per unit area systems pull back. Nosotros can see the stronger cadre moving dorsum over the polar regions. The smaller core has faded out. Despite recovering, it is not potent enough to as well stabilize the lower level weather circulation.


In the lower levels, nosotros volition be witnessing a similar pattern as nosotros have seen before in the stratosphere, which is of course a broken down circulation. We have two main low-pressure zones, ane over the Siberian region and one of form over N America.


Here the polar circulation is as well "split" apart like in the stratosphere. It is disrupted by the potent high-force per unit area systems crawling over the Chill, irresolute the jet stream and the path of weather systems.

Over Europe, colder weather volition prevail in this period. Warmer than normal temperatures will aggrandize over northern Europe, equally the stiff high-pressure ridge moves into Scandinavia. But that also amplifies the cold air transport from the north/northeast.


Over North America, we tin can encounter a strong design shift. Every bit one cadre of the lower polar vortex stabilizes over Canada, it establishes a cold air transport from the north. A cold outbreak is expected in this period, affecting nigh of the United States to a varying degree.


Looking more closely, the master deterministic weather model shows an example of how this strong common cold air outbreak will chop-chop spread from western Canada into the northwestern United States and down into well-nigh of the country. This is a significant cold bibelot for this fourth dimension of the year.


The far eastern half of the United States is expected to have quite warmer than normal weather, in the warm southern flow alee of the approaching common cold outbreak.


Taking a await at the temperature profile at the 10mb level (30km/eighteen.5mi), we see another breaking (split) event in the 2nd half of the month. The culprit is the same, loftier-force per unit area systems slicing the polar vortex in half.


One loftier-pressure system is pressing on the polar vortex from the Northward Atlantic, and 1 from the Northward Pacific. But a decent double temperature wave is also involved, helping to further weaken the main core of the polar vortex, which otherwise thrives on colder temperatures.

The vertical pressure level bibelot contour reveals a connection in a similar identify every bit with the starting time break (divide) event. But this time, the two cores are more evenly matched in power, tho connecting to the lower levels in a similar region.


The pressure pattern forecast for the early parts of the second one-half shows the breakdown issue of the polar circulation to also continue in the lower levels. We tin can meet that the loftier-pressure level rising over the Pole is persistent, keeping the low pressure level locked over Canada and the Siberian sector.


In Europe, we see the colder air finally moving out, beingness confined more to western Europe. Warmer air advances further into central Europe, every bit the strong ridge starts to have over.


Over North America, we can see a stiff cold pool remaining over Canada and the northern Us. This, together with the weakened polar apportionment does allow for a driblet of colder than normal air into the eastern half of the United States.


NOAA also regularly releases their 8-fourteen day forecast for the United States. Below we have the temperature forecast for mid-March, where NOAA calls for colder weather in much of the northern and eastern Us, with the coldest in the Midwest.


Warmer than normal conditions is expected in the southwestern United States, under a high-pressure zone.

We have the precipitation forecast below, which calls for more atmospheric precipitation in the northwest and in the northeast. The central and southern United States can expect drier than normal atmospheric condition in the mid-month.


Taking a look at the far second one-half of the calendar month, requires a unlike arroyo, using the extended/weekly forecast from the ECMWF extended ensemble forecast.

LATE MARCH 2022 Weather

Looking at the pressure pattern, nosotros meet a continuation of the weather pattern. The polar circulation is still broken down, with the primary source of power being the core over Canada. A high-pressure organization prevails over Europe.


The temperature forecast for Europe suggests colder temperatures in the far southeast. But about of the mainland will meet a render of warmer than normal atmospheric condition, under the expanding high-pressure blocking.


Over N America, the pattern continues from February, with a temperature gap from the northern United States down into the eastern half. This is a likely path of continued colder air outbreaks, as long as the strong cold air bibelot remains up in Canada.


Looking at the pressure pattern going into April, nosotros can meet an effort at a slight recovery in circulation. The strong cross-polar ridging is not really seen at nowadays. The master depression-pressure core remains over Canada and Greenland.


The temperature forecast for Europe suggests the same pattern as in late March, with warmer than normal temperatures taking over well-nigh of the continent.


Over North America, the blueprint doesn't modify much going into the showtime days of April. Some of it is due to the stable depression-pressure system over Canada. But it can also exist due to the forecast just averaging out at this extended time range.


The fact remains that as long every bit at that place is a stable low-pressure anomaly over Canada, at that place will exist a cold anomaly region there, allowing colder air outbreaks, which in spring tin can also lead to severe weather.


Every calendar month, NOAA too releases the monthly outlook for weather conditions across the United states of america.

Beneath is the latest official March 2022 temperature forecast/outlook for the U.s.a. by NOAA. It shows the temperature probability, with colder weather being more likely in the northwestern United States.


The southern and eastern United States accept a higher probability of warmer than normal weather condition.

The official precipitation forecast is similar to the model forecast. Nosotros come across an equal-to-higher probability for more precipitation in the northwestern and the eastern United states. The far southern United States is forecast to have a drier than normal month, especially in the southwest.


A special forecast graphic below shows the drought tendency over the month of March. Nosotros tin see continued to worsen drought conditions over much of the western half of the Usa.


But what are the current drought conditions? Well, most of the western and southern United States is nether some level of drought conditions. The driest conditions prevail in the south-central states and in the northwestern Usa.


Every bit you will see also beneath on the outlook for the entire Jump season, the drought weather in the southwestern United states of america will prevail for some fourth dimension. And likely worsen.


We will look at the ECMWF model, as it is often referred to as "the best" model for long-range forecasting.

In the pressure pattern forecast from ECMWF below, we tin can see the typical La Nina high-pressure level organization in the North Pacific. The low-pressure system is present over western Canada and expanding into Greenland and the polar regions.

The jet stream is bending in between the loftier and low-pressure systems equally nosotros have seen in the previous, as during the wintertime.


We see the North Atlantic in a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) mode, which means an amplified jet stream from Republic of iceland and into Scandinavia. A positive NAO generally means mild/warmer conditions for Europe and the southeastern United States.

The global temperature forecast below shows North America divided into two parts. Western Canada is forecast to remain colder than normal, thanks to the jet stream position. There is a high chance of this colder air extending south, into the parts of the northern and eastern United States. The Southern Us is forecast to be warmer than normal.


Looking closer at Europe, we run into the surface temperatures are by and large above normal. Some colder anomalies are seen in the far North Atlantic, where the low-force per unit area systems volition travel beyond. Far southeastern Europe is also forecast to be colder than normal, due to a more northerly flow.


Over Northward America, the ECMWF forecast shows colder than normal surface temperatures in Alaska and western Canada. Nosotros run into a slight indication of colder air intruding into the northwestern United States. The rest of the country is mostly warmer than normal, particularly in the southwest.


Discover a weaker warm anomaly in the eastern United States. That indicates a window for colder than normal air to spread into parts of the eastern Usa. A higher adventure for that is in the early role of the spring.

The precipitation anomaly forecast below shows a more normal La Nina blazon pattern over Canada and the U.s.. We see the mainland Us with wetter weather in the northwest and the due east, and drier atmospheric condition in the southwest and over Florida.


Europe is trending with more precipitation over the northern regions, following the jet stream and low-pressure systems. Drier conditions are forecast for nearly of western and fundamental Europe, under high-force per unit area systems.

Below is the latest official Spring temperature forecast for the U.s.a. past NOAA. It shows the temperature probability, with colder to equal chances in the northwestern United states. The southern and eastern U.s.a. have a high probability of warmer than normal jump weather.


Such a pattern however still allows for stiff cold air outbreaks into the Midwest and the northeast. A strong common cold pool will be present in western Canada, which tin can be triggered to send a cold air outbreak into the United States if the pressure pattern shift occurs.

The official precipitation forecast is as well quite like to the model forecast. Nosotros meet an equal-to-higher probability for more precipitation in the northwestern and the eastern Usa. The southern United States is forecast to have a drier than normal spring, particularly in the southwest.


We volition release regular weekly and monthly updates every bit fresh forecasts and data are available. And so brand sure to bookmark our page. Also, if you have seen this commodity in the Google App (Observe) feed, click the like button (♥) there to see more of our forecasts and our latest articles on atmospheric condition and nature in full general.


Spring 2022 volition be affected by the ENSO. Acquire here more about what ENSO is and how it impacts the weather.


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